REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

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REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ericray » Tue May 14, 2013 4:23 pm

I am using "starter". I am in need of not having the customer see a link on the "Check-Out" or the "Thank You" page that says "return to store" - because that is a different website. I am first adding one cart to a add-on domain within my account. I am trying to tweak the Starter cart with a bit of customization. pls help me if there is anyway to drop some of these "buttons" (links from the cart pages.
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby Jim » Tue May 14, 2013 7:11 pm

If you have access to Preferences > Hosting Services try changing the My Store url to the url you want the shopper to go back to.
On the Commerce Setup > Order System > Thank you screen there is a field "Information on the Thank You screen to return to storefront: " that may contain the code that is used on the thank you screen to return to the store.
On the Commerce Setup > Shopping Cart screen is a field "Return To Shopping Button:" which you might be able to modify to have the shopper to go to a different url than the page they ordered from. This would be helpful if you want them to go to a different url than the page they added the item to the cart from.

Note that these values may also just be hard coded in the template, which is not editable in a Starter store, so it may depend on the template you have selected if they can be changed or not.
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Wed May 15, 2013 9:00 am

If you are using a newer template (Burst, Dynamic, etc),the built-in Home and the Return to Store links use the MyStore URL.
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ericray » Wed May 15, 2013 9:26 am

Thank you for your response. I did upgrade to Manager to be able to modify the checkout environment. I have followed the instructions by going to "Commerce setup" I do see the fields for text at top/bottom. I am used to Dreamweaver and code, etc. How in the world do I get to a place to "modify" the code? I really want to have a level of control of the links at the top of the "Thank You" page specifically. I must be missing something. I will also go back to tutorials and instructions. Appreciate any and all advice to modify the checkout. I know I can change text / colors / templates.
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Wed May 15, 2013 9:44 am

If you want to modify the template directly, then go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Shopping Cart. You can copy an existing ShopSite template and edit the code. NOTE: the shopping cart template is divided into 5 parts (Shopping Cart, Shipping, Confirmation, Thank You, and Thank You Email).
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ericray » Wed May 15, 2013 9:51 am

Nicole, this is a breakthrough. thank you. i will take a look. On another note, I discovered the HTML editor. However, when I activate that on a cart page (Thank YOU, for example) I see on a simple editor and not the one shown in the help-world. Is HTML editor only for product pages. I am a "add cart buttons to existing site" person.
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Wed May 15, 2013 10:36 am


The HTML Editor is available for all areas of ShopSite (product pages, shopping cart, etc). The knowledgebase article below explains why you might not be seeing the full toolbar and what can be done about it:

ShopSite Nicole
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Re: REMOVE "Home" & "Return to Store" Links on Thank You pg

Postby ericray » Wed May 15, 2013 11:49 am

Thanks Nicole. It took lots of time. But I fixed the HTML editor.
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