Problem with registration link

General ShopSite user discussion

Problem with registration link

Postby 4erika » Sat May 11, 2013 7:17 am

I have a link on my top menu for registering. It worked for a few days and several customers registered, but now it seems that something has changed and the link just goes to the home page. I went into the back end and re-entered the url of my registration page, but it doesn't take. I tried making it open in a new window, in case that would have an effect, but nothing.

I'm not sure what I'm missing. If you click the "my account" at the top of the page, that will take you to registration, but it's not clear to most people that they can use the same link to register. I need a tab that says, "Hey, here's where you register!"
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Re: Problem with registration link

Postby Jim » Mon May 13, 2013 9:28 am

In order for a person to signin they must go through the shopping cart cgi (order.cgi) and have a shopping cart created. The registration.cgi then uses the shopping basket create by the order.cgi to contain some of the information of the signed in user. In addition a cookie is created with more information about the registered user.

The link link that you have in your menu has a specific shopping basket (sbid) already assigned to it, <li><a href=" ..., so anyone who signs in from that specific link will be assigned the same shopping basket. That could result it multiple people adding to a single cart and having the cart content change unexpectedly as someone else will be adding or deleting items from the cart. It would also cause the problem with people being directed back to the main page of your store.

If you must have a signing /your shopping cart in your navigation copy the html that is output for the
• New Customer? Click here to Register
• Returning Customer? Click here to Sign In
that is being used on the shopping cart screen. Note that you must not be not logged in and the shopping cart must have been emptied and the registration cookie for your site must have been cleared, and then use that code for the link. The better way to do it is with the specific template tags designed to put out the code, [-- RegistrationSignIn --], but that can't be done in the navigation menu section.

Normally the code changes what is displayed depending on if the shopper is signed in or not and will display either Sign in or Your Account or the persons name. Hard coding it into the top navigation menu will not allow that to happen.
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