Error Bad character found in parameter name

General ShopSite user discussion

Error Bad character found in parameter name

Postby parker » Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:20 am

Hi All,

Recently I upgraded my ShopSite from 11.0 to 11.2 in bizland shared servers and since then getting "Error Bad character found in parameter name" error while placing the order. Can anyone suggest me the fix for this?

Steps to duplicate issue:
1. Goto
2. Select a product and click on Order
3. Fill out the information
4. Select check/money order
5. Fill out the information
6. Click Confirm
7. When you click the "Submit This Order" the error occurs. The error says, "Error Bad character found in parameter name" on

Checked Shopsite on the Commerce -> Order System -> (pages for) Checkout, Confirmation and Thank You (and correct the field names - some of the field names were missing and had only * and republished) but no luck.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:11 am

Re: Error Bad character found in parameter name

Postby Jim » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:00 am

This question was asked to ShopSite directly last Friday and again yesterday. Here is what we sent to them both times. You should follow up with them to find out why they didn't let you know the solution 5 days ago when we sent it to them.
Many changes were made to 11sp2 to comply with PCI certification
requirements and prevent possible Cross Site Scripting issues.
This adds a level of security by preventing someone from modifying
the submitted url and thus changing order information or sending
the shopper to some other website. A more detailed check of
parameters is now being done on the parameters being submitted in
the URL. The message "Error Bad character found
in parameter name" is the error message which was added
when something in the url is incorrect.

There are 2 possible causes for this error occurring.

1.) On the screen where the shopper fills out their address, the
field just below the second email address does not have a name but
it is a required field. The shopper will have no idea what
information should be put in the field but will not be able to
finalize the order unless they put something in the field. This
could cause the problem with submitting the order since the
parameter will be passed with data but with no name for it. They
should give this field a name and probably not make it a required
field. The field name would be filled in on Preferences >
Store Text Checkout and to make it optional would be done on
Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout.

2.) This may be caused by the / character in the payment option
name "Money Order/Certified Check". They should change that
character to a - or _. Or they could make two separate payment
options "Money Order" and "Certified Check". This would be done
on Preferences
> Store
Text > Checkout

There could also be something that I didn't see so if making the
above changes doesn't fix the issue please let us know.

This is likely caused by the following input field for the Submit This
Order button:

<input type=image
class="button67" align="bottom" border="0" id="CLICK HERE To Submit
Order - Double Check Your Address, Etc" name="CLICK HERE To Submit Order
- Double Check Your Address, Etc" alt="CLICK HERE To Submit Order -
Double Check Your Address, Etc" title="CLICK HERE To Submit Order -
Double Check Your Address, Etc" tabindex="2"
onClick="return(CheckIt(67,0));" >

Note the extra long field name "CLICK HERE To Submit Order - Double
Check Your Address, Etc". This issue is likely the ',' (comma) in this.

This is not the default text for the button name, and since an image is
being used anyway, I would recommend shortening the text and removing
any special characters. The settings for the Submit This Order button
can be found at the bottom of the Commerce Setup -> Store Text ->
Checkout menu.

The issue that Jim mentioned of a required field on the Checkout page
that doesn't have a field label also needs to be resolved, as it is
confusing to the shopper. This is likely the label for the Title field,
and the text for it can be set on this same Commerce Setup -> Store Text
-> Checkout menu.

I think the main issue is what was stated in the first response above,
'Note the extra long field name "CLICK HERE To Submit Order - Double
Check Your Address, Etc". '
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