Coupons - possible? (discount an order and exclude products)

General ShopSite user discussion

Coupons - possible? (discount an order and exclude products)

Postby dlundell » Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:13 pm


I'd like to do the following with a coupon - a fairly common scenario for us:

- Apply, say, a $10 discount to an entire order
- Exclude some product from the discount

I could set it up as a 'Specific products' discount and 'Allow only 1 product per redeemed coupon'; however, if none of the products has a value over $10, the intended $10 discount isn't applied.

I'd thought what I'm trying to do is possible, but perhaps not?


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Re: Coupons - possible? (discount an order and exclude produ

Postby psldesigns » Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:40 am

Even though you have checked allow only one product per redeemed coupon, if they add other qualifying items to the cart, it will then take the discount. I know it doesn't make sense based on the wording of that checkbox, but I have tested it more than once and that is indeed how it works. ADDITIONAL problem, however, if they add a product that is excluded from the coupon, it still takes the coupon. So it is treating the dollar value type discount more as a minimum cart function. Test for yourself and see.
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