Corrupt template

General ShopSite user discussion

Corrupt template

Postby dlundell » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:14 am


We noticed (actually, a customer noticed - wacky output on the Thank You page) that a piece of our shopping cart template was corrupted.

Here are the pieces...

What should be:

<td align="center" width="120" alt="Photography" title="Photography">
<a class="navbar" href="/photography">Photography</a>


<td align="center" width="120" alt="Photography" title="Photography">
<a cla/images/wrapping_paper/ Confirm Your Ordertable border=0 width=g href=
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --]/images/wrapping_paper/navy_blue.jpg href=
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --]/images/wrapping_paper/navy_blue.jpg href=
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --]/images/wrapping_paper/navy_blue.jpg href=
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --]ss="navbar" href="/photography">Photograph
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --]y</a>

and what should be (this one is a little longer, so keep scrolling):

<td align="center">
[-- SC_Address --]
<tr><td align="center"><hr noshade size="2"></td></tr>
<td align="center">
[-- SC_Payment --]
<tr><td align="center"><hr noshade size="2"></td></tr>
[-- VAR.HR No --]
[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --]
<td align="center">
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --]


<td align="left">
[-- SC_Addres0

[-- IF SC_Or
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF CustomHTML --]
ANS_customer_id=Acceptnavbarctions --]
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions 0

[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions --]
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions 4 60 --]
[-- END_IF --]

4 60 --]
[-- END_IF --]

s --]

Any ideas as to what happened? Sort of disturbing.

Luckily, the corruption was isolated to this portion of the Thank You page section, and I had a back up copy.


Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Re: Corrupt template

Postby Jim » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:56 pm

So was the actual template changed or just the output?
Is it your own template or a ShopSite provided one?

A disk error might cause something like that. If it is your own template then I would suspect a bad copy and paste. I might also happen if two people are editing the same template file at same time and one makes some changes and saves and then the other person saves.
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Re: Corrupt template

Postby dlundell » Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:39 am

Jim wrote:So was the actual template changed or just the output?

Is it your own template or a ShopSite provided one?

A disk error might cause something like that. If it is your own template then I would suspect a bad copy and paste. I might also happen if two people are editing the same template file at same time and one makes some changes and saves and then the other person saves.

The template and the output were messed up. The template was corrupted as shown above.

It's a modified Shopsite template.

I'd suspect disk over copy/paste (I don't see the path to that particular corruption with an errant copy/paste).



PS. Shopsite feature request: snapshots / versioning.
Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Re: Corrupt template

Postby brndyhltsn » Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:01 am

May we see the output screen??? It'll make us realize the original story...
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Location: Largo, FL

Re: Corrupt template

Postby dlundell » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:05 am

brndyhltsn wrote:May we see the output screen??? It'll make us realize the original story...

Sorry, I don't have the original screen output (I wasn't in a position to save it at the time).

The best I can do is the corruption itself (above in the original post).

Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

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