recaptcha error on checkout

General ShopSite user discussion

recaptcha error on checkout

Postby dlundell » Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:50 am

Hi there,

I'd had a customer call this morning with a Shopsite checkout issue that I'd not come across before.

Excuse that this is a bit vague, but this is about all the information I was able to get from him on the phone (he was anxious to get on with his order, which we ended up taking over the phone). I would liked to have gotten a screen shot, but wasn't able to.

He'd apparently submitted his address and credit card information (Canada, if that matters), and on submission, got a screen with the yellow triangle warning icon, and message ' Please copy the words from the image'. It sounded like it may have been referring to a recaptcha image. (Other than the product review feature, which we have disabled, I'm not aware of another recaptcha function in Shopsite.)

Any ideas what he might have been running into?


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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Re: recaptcha error on checkout

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:21 pm


There is the option under Commerce Setup > Payment Setup to turn on the Human Validation feature. This feature does use a recaptcha image if turned on. It can be configured to never display, always display, or only display after a certain number of failed checkout attempts.
ShopSite Nicole
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