This line in the sc_default template is probably where you wnat to start looking
[-- INCLUDE sc_thankyou.css PROCESS --] since that will contain the styles that affect theThank You screen.
So go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes and click the Copy ShopSite include button. Select the sc_thankyou.css file from the list and give it the name of sc_thankyou.css1 and save changes to make a copy of the file. Then select the sc_thankyou.css1 file and edit it and set the colors you want in the styles and save changes. The section you will probably want to change is
- Code: Select all
body {
color: #[-- STORE.SC_TextColor --];
background-color: #[-- STORE.SC_BackgroundColor --];
but there may be other things also.
Then select the sc_thankyou.css1 file and click the Copy Include file and give it the name sc_thankyou.css. That file will now override the ShopSite file by the same name and your style colors should be visible on the thankyou screen.