Server Hanging

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Server Hanging

Postby GiftSpecialists » Thu May 10, 2012 10:42 am

Throughout the day my server hangs up and stops serving html pages. Then after after several minutes, it starts serving the static html pages again, but it still does not serve dynamic pages from the cgi-bin (cart, gift cert, add-to-cart, etc). I have my hosting tech support working on it and so far they can not figure it out.

Is there any SS issues that may be causing this, or a way to troubleshoot to determine that is is or is not a SS script hanging up?

This generally happens for about 4 to 5 minute spans, 2 to 4 times per day.

Thanks for any help.
Rick, - Gifts for wine lovers - Gifts for beer lovers
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Re: Server Hanging

Postby Jim » Thu May 10, 2012 10:50 am

Have the server admin check what cron jobs are scheduled to run at the times that the server is not responsive.
Also have them check what processes are running when it is slow. Maybe someone else on the server has a process that is hogging resources.

The only things in ShopSite that might cause a slowdown would be a publish if you have lots of products and pages (10's of thousands) and you are indexing all the possible fields. Even under those conditions ShopSite should not block processing of orders, searches etc for more than just a few seconds.
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Re: Server Hanging

Postby GiftSpecialists » Fri May 11, 2012 8:35 am

How easy is it to install a fresh copy of order.cgi? Or any other scripts that may be hanging up for some reason?

I need to try something...
Rick, - Gifts for wine lovers - Gifts for beer lovers
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Re: Server Hanging

Postby Jim » Fri May 11, 2012 10:46 am

There would be no point in replacing a cgi if it runs some of the time but hangs at other times. If it runs, it runs and changing it won't make it run any better. If a process is hanging then something else on the server is causing it to hang.

To replace a cgi you would need access to the install files for your version of ShopSite and any patch files that go with that version. You would also need access to the server so that you could replace the files. If you are hosted with a ShopSite partner then they should be the ones to do any patching of files.

Since you mentioned that even html files will get delayed some times this is definitely a server issue and not related to ShopSite files. Your host should be checking the things I mentioned in my earlier post to find out what is causing the issues.

Are you just seeing this yourself or have others reported the issue to you? It could be that something on your local computer, like a virus scanner or firewall is causing the delays. It could also be a network traffic issue between your computer and the server.
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