Shopping cart to open in new window

General ShopSite user discussion

Shopping cart to open in new window

Postby mysticscooby » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:10 am

Hello all.. I am new to shopsite and am setting up buttons to put into a site I already. I have signed up for shopsite to use their shopping cart, wish list and customer accounts options in addition to other little perks. I am, however, have an issue with the shopping cart. I would like to have it open in a new window and currently it is opening in a little box where the button has been placed. You can see what is happening if you click the one button added so far at this address:
I have search the site to find a way to change this but have found non and I do not know how to write code at all. Below I have pasted the code for the button that you see there now. Can someone please tell me how to change this option whether it be in the site (this would make life so much easier) or in the code (which means i would need to change the code for all 4000+ buttons)... Thank you so much..

Also, see the error message that shows us after you click the button. Because the background is black like the typing in the box, you have to highlight the box to read the writing. Thank you!

<iframe src="*18145187d2af84a0b064aea74153&ss_parm=Aac783c059ed872932d3dce84dd76af3e&from=embed&template=em_BasicLayout.sst" height=240 width=300 frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Re: Shopping cart to open in new window

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:54 am

It is opening the cart in an iframe. Also the there is an error in your form because when I open the iframe in a new window this displays "Error in Form!
We're sorry, but there was an error in your form data!
You must specify a valid value for: storeid .
Please go back and try it again. "

So you need to change your add to cart button to open in a new window instead of the iframe. And you need to make sure that the form that the add to cart is in included a valid value for the storeid.
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Re: Shopping cart to open in new window

Postby mysticscooby » Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:04 am

I understand all of that but can not find where to do that... Can someone direct me as to where in the choices in the site to choose that option. Also, how do i fix the error message?
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Re: Shopping cart to open in new window

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:40 pm

It appears that the page is being generated by something other than ShopSite and you are pasting Order Anywhere links into the html. Is that correct?

If that is the case then you need to copy the correct Order Anywhere code for the product from Merchandising > Order Anywhere. Use the HTML version of the OrderAnywhere code and not the Embed version. The Embed version would be more for a blog post than on an html page.

The HTML version of the code will have the proper form values, including the storeid, product record number/sku etc to make the Add to Cart work.

I don't know of a way to force the shopping cart to open in a totally new window. It is designed to open in the same browser window where the store is being displayed. You might be able to force it to a new window by adding code to the form submit parameters but they you would probably get a new shopping cart window for each product the shopper adds to the cart, instead of adding the products to a single cart. That would probably lead to more confusion for the shopper.

Because of the black on black text of the iframe I selected everything in the iframe to see what was there. I got this "Error copying new basket aa info file "/home4/lifesmys/public_html/mysticscooby/data/moreip/SSMSB1335808111.13697" from "./" This can be caused if the file "./" does not exist, or if either directory path has incorrect permissions or ownership. Please alert the store owner that this problem exists.'

So there are definite problems with your store. Where is the store hosted? If it is at a ShopSite partner, you should contact them for assistance. If it is not at a ShopSite partner you can purchase a support incident to have ShopSite tech support look at it from
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Re: Shopping cart to open in new window

Postby mysticscooby » Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:31 pm

Ok, so I fixed the cart showing in a little box problem. I found the html codes. Thank you for that info... I am still having the other problem though. when you go to and click on either of the buttons, add to cart or view cart, I am getting that error message. i have gone clear through everything in the Shopsite control panel and can't figure out why. I do not see where there is a problem, permissions or otherwise. Blue-host says that can't help me and I can't afford $49 per incident to get help from the Shopsite people.. Can someone please help me?

error message: Error
Error copying new basket aa info file "/home4/lifesmys/public_html/mysticscooby/data/moreip/SSMSB1335803288.1580" from "./" This can be caused if the file "./" does not exist, or if either directory path has incorrect permissions or ownership. Please alert the store owner that this problem exists.
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