How do you add password as a required field?

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How do you add password as a required field?

Postby gkrehbiel » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:16 am

I would like to use shopsite to collect orders for a newsletter publication that people can log into with an email address and a password. (We manage access in another system. I only want to take the order here.)

How do I include a field for password in the billing address section?

I'm running ShopSite Pro 10 sp2 r2.


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Re: How do you add password as a required field?

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:20 am

Greg, so if I understand correctly you want to add an additional field to the checkout process? This can be done in ShopSite Pro with the custom checkout fields feature. You can go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout, and enable a custom checkout field. Since it is a password, you likely don't want to include it on the email receipts.
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Re: How do you add password as a required field?

Postby gkrehbiel » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:23 pm


Here's what I want to be able to do.

Only in cases when certain products are added to the cart …

+ I want to include two custom fields – password and confirm password – on my checkout page.
+ The values in the two fields have to match before the form can be submitted.
+ The password should be included in the email confirmation.
+ The email confirmation should be cc’d to a another email address.

I see this working by using Product Field 2 (we’re already using field 1). I would add to that field the email address that should be cc’d on the confirmation email. So this procedure would only be invoked if that field has a value.

Thanks for showing me how to add custom fields for the checkout screen. That's easy. But I think I need some javascript so that I only display the password fields if Product Field 2 has a value.

Does this make sense? Is this something you can help me with?


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Re: How do you add password as a required field?

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:15 pm

Product extra fields are not passed to the shopping cart. So I don't think you can use the field for that purpose. ShopSite will only send the email to the address that the shopper enters in the Billing address email field. So if you need to send the email receipt to 2 email addresses you would have to write an OrderAPI script that would do the emailing to the second email address. (note that you can set it up so that the Merchant copy of the email goes to multiple locations on the Preferences > Hosting services screen, but that will send all merchant receipts to all specified email addresses which may not be what you are intending)
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