I've recently enabled the Social Media feature from Merchandising > Social Media in the Shopsite Control Panel (ShopSite Pro v10 Sp2). Now I see that during the checkout my page is only "partially encrypted" using a GeoTrust SSLCert. When I disable the social media (follow on Twitter/Facebook), I get the full encryption again.
This indicates that these social media sharing features from Shopsite are not encrypted/https.
I wonder if we can either REMOVE those 2 (FB and Twitter) buttons from the checkout screen and leave them in the footer of every other page, or simply encrypt them.
I think either is possible based on the fact that when I'm in my "Order Handler" in my ShopSite control panel the "F" and "t" buttons exist, sending me to the ShopSite Twitter and FB pages, and that page is fully encrypted. Can we apply this to our checkout screens?