Warning Contains Unauthenticated Content

General ShopSite user discussion

Warning Contains Unauthenticated Content

Postby inhouse » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:01 am


We have a completed shopping cart and a customer has complained that when they get to the checkout step they see a warning message stating that the website is not secure. In Firefox 3.6.x I see the message "Warning: Contains unauthenticated content". Nothing prevents me from checking out with a credit card but apparently the customer is. To me, this is a problem regardless of whether or not they can continue on.

I assume this warning is due to the face that the cart calls to images which are on the main website and not at a secure path. Is there any way around this? How do others deal with this? I don't want any customers feeling as though the site is not secured. Thanks in advance.
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:27 am

Re: Warning Contains Unauthenticated Content

Postby inhouse » Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:53 pm

Verified using a different PC that it is the photos and external CSS file causing the warning. On this particular PC the message asks the viewer if they'd like to proceed or not. They can also choose to not display unsecured content so the style is completely wiped out. This must be a common occurrence, right? Should external CSS not be used with ShopSite?
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:27 am

Re: Warning Contains Unauthenticated Content

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:56 pm

Is this on the first page of the checkout? Are you willing to send a pm to me with your store URL so that I may look in to this for you?

Typically, what happens in these cases is that the first page of the checkout is set to be secure, though it does not need to be so. The ShopSite template is set up so that if SSL is enabled, then secure images and URLs are used on the second, third, and fourth pages of checkout process. The first page of the checkout does not need to be secure and so by default, the template is not set to pull secure images.

If you wish for the first page of the checkout to remain secure, then you can (with Manager or Pro) edit the template used directly to ensure that only secure URLs for are used for images, CSS, and anything else that could trigger a warning.

-ShopSite Nicole
ShopSite Nicole
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