Search items by Brand, Color, Size?

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Search items by Brand, Color, Size?

Postby alexus2005 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:52 am

Hi guys,

Another interesting task I need to perform for the client:
I have products that all have multiple color variations and sizes as well as brands. I need to select all products that are red for example, or are produced by a specific brand, or are all same size. How would I do that?

On the old system it's done through linking to advanced search page with paramaters and it returned results.

Thanks in advance,
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:00 am

Re: Search items by Brand, Color, Size?

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:31 pm

I would suggest setting up static pages for many of these. For example, have a page for each of the manufacturers which is already populated with the products from that manufacturer. Have a page for the main colors. I have done this on a few sites. When adding a new product, you would just add it into the various categories that it fits into, such as a new sneaker might fit in the "Shoes" category, the "Nike" category, the "Red" category, and maybe another category such as "New Arrivals." Every few months (about 4 times a year) I go through the pages and make sure that the categories are as full as I want. I will go to Pages > Assign Items > then within the products I would search in the "brand" field for that particular manufacturer, and make sure all products that are that brand are in that category.

Another option would be to setup search links with the parameters that you want. The issue with that is that the search may come up with things that loosely fit the category. Customers could always sort by relevance and that would resolve the issue, but the this is less elegant.
- ShopSite Lauren
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