I have a custom template for my products. I want to show a list of links to the cross sell products in my left menu. How do I code that?
what I am trying to do is have a category for each manufacturer and then list the styles available under that product line. For instance a category might be "Mohawk Carpet" then the products would be "Active Spirit" and "Active Spirit 2". I want the main page to list all the manufacturers, or categories. Then on the manufacturers page I want the products to show in the main part of the page, but also list them as links on the left. So that when you change manufacturers only that manufacturers products show links on the left. I was told using the cross sell feature would do this, but I don't know how to get the cross sell links to show on the left of the page.
any help would be greatly appreciated. Have client impatiently waiting for me to get this set up.
Thanks in advance!