by davidroth » Mon May 23, 2011 9:21 am
I have tried out both PowerReviewsExpress and Lexiconn's review module.
I don't know why someone would say that PR wouldn't be able to be used on Shopsite stores. Lauren implemented mine on my site and it didn't seem to take very long, so I would assume it was straight forward. Maybe you're talking about PR, instead of PR express. I would think Express would be fine for most businesses.
The upside to PRE is that it's a slick system. I think it's probably the most visually appealing and there are places where you can add notes for service/product reviews. Plus a spot to add pictures, videos, etc.
I didn't like 2 things about it though. For one, there is a Tier 1 review process with the company so all reviews will take 3 days to even be able to view. Second, I was getting the impression that they owned the reviews and it would be a huge pain if you ever decided to cancel the service. And another thing, you're paying $80/month for it.
Personally, I liked to have more control over the process. I hated the long review process and needing to get their permission everytime you wanted to change something with your campaign. So I switched over to Lexiconn's free product review module. I had to make a lot of modifications to it with the help of a MYSQL developer. Namely I wanted the number of reviews to display on the category/product pages. So once I did that, I think it turned out well. Now, the review come right to me. I can edit them or publish them right away.
After cancelling with PRE, they became very flexible. They said if I ever decided to cancel, they would send me a zip files of all the reviews. And they said if I wanted to turn off the Tier 1 reviews, I could do that. At that point, it was too late though cause I already transitioned. They weren't that flexible when I first asked though. If you want to save some headaches and just get a nice system, then definitely go with PRE. It's worth the $80/month.
I'm not even kidding here, my conversion rate SKYROCKETED right when I implemented the review module. And I already had a good conversion rate. I compared it with prior months and at the same period last year. On the day I implemented it, the conversion rate from this year and last year were about the same. Once I got some reviews in, there was a separation and my conversion rate for this year was a full % higher than last. And that's been consistent.
But on your comments about PRE having better search engine positioning. There's nothing special about the way they do it. You just need to make sure your pages can get crawled/indexed. Lexiconn's work the same way.