Issue in creating the product page

General ShopSite user discussion

Issue in creating the product page

Postby gene » Thu May 19, 2011 5:05 pm

I have a custom template where I use mysql database and php to set up page and product templates. I didnt use the Product on Pages to assign my products to a certain category page. I use the extra fields to do this. However, when I tried to create the product page, the thumbnail of the products are displayed in the thumbnail page. But the product page itself is not created. Can you please help me the cause of not creating the product page? And how will I able to do this using mysql database?
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Re: Issue in creating the product page

Postby Jim » Thu May 19, 2011 8:28 pm

ShopSite will only create a product more information page if the product is assigned to a page. It sounds like you are not assigning products to pages using ShopSite so the more info pages will not be created. To get around this you should create a page in ShopSite and assign all the products to that page. Then publish the store and the product more info pages will be created. The page that you create in ShopSite does not have to be linked to from anywhere so it doesn't have to appear in your store, it just has to exist so the product moreinfo pages will be generated..
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