Cannot Publish Store

General ShopSite user discussion

Cannot Publish Store

Postby Davekus » Mon May 02, 2011 9:49 pm

After adding pages and products to those pages I tried to Publish the store and it wont publish.I get a red message saying : Could not open/home/users/web/so on and so on.html,errno:Permission denied . I get one of these for each of my pages. Im lost
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 02, 2011 9:37 pm

Re: Cannot Publish Store

Postby Jim » Tue May 03, 2011 7:05 am

This means that the output directory specified does not have the correct file permissions . This is typically caused by one of 2 things but there could be other causes.

If you used some program, such as an html editing program like Dreamweaver, ColdFusion, to upload files to your website it may have changed permissions on the directories.

If you gave your pages and/or moreinfo pages filenames that included a path like directory/page.html the directory part must be created outside of ShopSite (by FTP or SSH access) and given permissions so that the webserver user can read and write to that directory.

In either of those cases you need to change the permissions of the directories so that the webserver user can read and write to the directories and files within them. If you have FTP or a shell access to your account you could do this your self, or you may need to contact your host to do it for you. If the directory permissions were altered by your html editing program you should probably not use that method for updating files or at least be prepared to fix the permissions every time you use it to upload.
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