Free trial or Free version? Seems there's no free version!

General ShopSite user discussion

Re: Free trial or Free version? Seems there's no free versio

Postby Jim » Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:56 am

You are looking at two entirely different things.
Your Bluehost account gives you access to a free Starter version of ShopSite. It has a limit of 5 pages and 15 products and can be used for a live business. If you out grow the limit of products or pages or you want more features you an upgrade to a Manager or Pro level store for a monthly fee.

You also signed up for a Pro level Demo store from the site. This store is a demo version although it has all of the features of the product level that it is (Your's is a Pro level). These demo stores can not be used for a live business. It typically expires in about 7 days but can be extended if needed while you are doing some site development.
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