I use a "banner" generated online from a site called flashVortex. If you go to any page other than my home page - http://www.ahoycaptain.com/shop/brands.html - you will see it display just below the header.
Here is the code that "calls" that particular banner.
<script src="http://h2.flashvortex.com/display.php?id=2_1291422044_4581_364_19723_416_60_9_2_26" type="text/javascript">
Pretty simple.
I want to display or rotate multiple banners for different promotions. If I create another banner I get another banner ID like this test banner.
<script src="http://h2.flashvortex.com/display.php?id=2_1296592458_633_495_19723_376_73_10_2_44" type="text/javascript">
Again pretty simple.
Can someone come up with a script or a function that accesses an array of these ID's that would scroll them one after another?
Other ideas are welcome.