I having been using shopsite for a while for digital down loads. I am having an issue uploading a large digital file 2mb...when I use the upload in the interface it will not go thru..no status bar so I am assuming possibly there is a size limit? There is some verbage on the page that say for mutlpile uploads use ftp..would love to.. when I click it is say not authorixed for security reasons or such. I called fatcow and they said shopsite disabled the ftp upload in version 10 which I am using. I figured the work around would have been to upload the file im my root and move it to where the digital content of shopsite is stored...I have 100+ patterns on there currently and have been selling them for a year or more. When I look in the store directory/media I can see all the images I have uploaded but the download folder is empy...I figured after I uploaded this large file via ftp , which I did, i could simply move it to the right directory...I was on the phone w fatcow for well over an hour...they really do not seem to understand your product to well. No could tell me where the digital files are stored...they kept saying store/media download...I said fine show me the files that are existing..nightmare
My question is FTP disabled from you in the digital uploads or fatcow? 2. where are the digital files stored after uploading via shopsites upload IU?
Tyhanks for your help