We are adding a new type of product to our site. Due to its size and weight, we want to exclude it from one shipping method. We use the currency method to determine shipping rates. And offer standard ground UPS and charge for USPS Priority Mail as shipping services.
Is there a way to exclude USPS priority mail as a shipping option? (This item is too big/weighs too much for USPS) Poking around I dont see anyway of using the options in the Shopsite interface to achieve this.. As a stop gap measure I put a note in the ordering options box indicating that the product is excluded from USPS shipping even though its shown as an option. In addition I plastered it on the free shipping, shipping and policy pages. Not very elegant, but its a start. Plus it would only show up when someone orders that item.
If handling this through the shopsite interface isnt an option, what about custom programming where a script checks to see if the product entered in the cart matches a list of specific SKUS and if it does it removes USPS? Note, there are only about 12 of these types of products.