by extragear » Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:59 am
Thanks for the info. Its alittle clearer to me now. What we want is to download a source code and customer type code. This would be the same for each order on the website. Example, EXTRAGEAR for source code and 4 for type code. The codes would change only on a per website basis.
If I understand you correctly, we could visit the Commerce -> Order System -> Checkout
Once there, we would need to define the additional custom fields we want to use.
In our case, we already had an agree to terms and conditions custom field.
We would then setup a Customer Type Field and Source Code Field, leave the selector for email, Conf, Thank You unchecked. Then for type select hidden.
Now we would have to put some coding in on our shipping screen (page).
I checked the Shopsite help section and it provides some examples of non-hidden custom checkout fields.
see the following:
For the hidden fields, I am guessing the code would be something along the lines of
<input type="hidden" name="field02" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="field03" value="EXTRAGEAR">
FYI: Field name 2 is the Customer Type which we want to be 4
Field name 3 is the Source Code which we want to be EXTRAGEAR
As for where to put this code, the help section states. "To put the list near the bottom of the page, use the HTML Before the Finalize Button field."
Unless you have a custom cart (which we do). In this case I'm guessing we need to add it to the cart_cont.html include file.
Am I on the right track with this? Our cart looks like it doesnt use the field for inserting the "HTML Before Finalize Button"