Hello all. So, I've been tasked with webmaster duties at my work even though I'm not a webmaster. We use Shopsite 10 to manage our site. I've been figuring things out as I go along, and have been adding, removing, and editing products and pages with reckless abandon without any problems. However, I have a problem that I haven't been able to figure out. Where do I go to edit the content of our site's home page? My predecessor, who was laid off over a year ago for literally not doing his job, has left a mess of things and I've been trying to correct them. The biggest problem now is the home page, and I can't figure out where to go to edit it. There's no listing for it in "Pages", so it's apparently not as simple as editing the content of other sections.
Any help is greatly appreciated. We've got nothing but graphics on our home page, which is killing us as far as search engines bringing us up.