Old price used on order, no idea why

General ShopSite user discussion

Old price used on order, no idea why

Postby johnbiggscr » Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:51 am

Anyone else had this issue and know what happened?

We updated prices for some products for our site in the morning, 9am our time.
In the evening, almost 7pm our time, we actually got an order for one of those products....at the old price. It did not show the new price at all.
We have checked the product this morning in shopsite, and sure enough it has the new price there. We load up the site and it shows its the correct price, we add it to cart and it also shows the new price as well.
Somehow they were able to order the product at the old price. We now have to call a customer and tell them they can't have the product at that price so this issue has affected us and we would like to make sure it doesn't happen again.
This happened to anyone else at all?

(p.s. what have you done to your forum search layout? ugh. I tried searching for 'price not updated' and it tells me it ignored 'price not', and I have a hard to follow screen with snippets of posts on the left hand side with a small box on the right that happens to contain the thread title in it. There might have been a solution to this issue somewhere already but I haven't got a hope of finding it. Awful. )
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Re: Old price used on order, no idea why

Postby Jim » Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:46 am

The shopping cart will maintain the price of the item when it is put into the cart until the order is either completed or the shopping cart is emptied. (The shopping cart could be emptied by the shopper or after a set length of time as specified by the merchant on Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart > Keep unfinished shopping carts: value with the default being 7 days).
If the price is something that you really can't afford to offer, then you may need to contact the shopper and let them know.

<Personal Opinion>
However, if you are in a business where repeat business is important, it is often better to take a little loss for goodwill's sake than to lose a customer. It is much easier to keep a customer than to try and get a new one. Here is an interesting post on new verses repeat visitors to a site. http://www.problogger.net/archives/2010/08/16/repeat-visitors-vs-new-visitors-which-is-worth-more-to-your-adsense-earnings/ I'm sure there are lots of articles on the web and in print about the advantages of keeping customers rather than trying to find new ones.

It is not fair to a customer to see a price on a store page (or shelf in a physical store) and based on that price they put the item in their cart but when they get to the checkout the price is more than the advertised price. I personally dislike it so much when I go to a store and that happens that I will usually take my business elsewhere.
</Personal Opinion>

Note on the Forum search- Because of security issues with the old version of the forum we needed to upgrade to a newer version. Some things have not yet been reconfigure to be entirely like the old one was but we are working toward that end.
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