The one that works has the javascript
- Code: Select all
<a href="javascript:showPicture('media/images/DSC_0069.JPG')">
The one that doesn't work has
- Code: Select all
<a href="javascript:showPicture('2010/bath-and-floor-wash/images/adam-and-eve.jpg')">
Note that the first is coming from the store's media directory where ShopSite expects images to be. while the other one has some other path.
The images being displayed on the page are coming from
- Code: Select all
<img src="" alt="tnDSC_0069.JPG" >
for the one that works and
- Code: Select all
<img src=""
for the one that doesn't work
So on the one that doesn't works you probably need to add "media/" before the image path. If you have different product templates for each page you will probably just need to edit the one product template to include the "media/"
Also make sure that the include file for the javascript showPicture is referenced in your page template.