We customized our template (swish on white) to display a header image and logo.
We then added a div to display both the header entry (our phone number) and a view cart button in the header section, both appearing under the navigation menu. Then we added a flyout navigation menu to our nav links.
When we mouse-over the menu item, the flyout menu does appear, but when we move the mouse down that menu, the flyout menu disappears when the cursor reaches the point in the header where the new div displays the phone number.
It does not seem to be the div as when we remove the phone number from the header, thus leaving a blank header entry but still processing the div, then it works fine. Even if I add the phone number as html directly in the template it still fails when the cursor reaches the number, despite the flyout menu happily appearing over the top of the phone number.
I cannot figure out how to get the flyout menu to work correctly and I would rather not have to move our phone number to somewhere else on the page, it should be possible to get this to work. Anyone any clues as to where I need to start looking?
We are using Manager 10r1.