USPS error code

General ShopSite user discussion

USPS error code

Postby bakerman » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:17 am

Thanks for a any help!

We keep running into an issue with the USPS errors that come up at the top of the screen. It is discouraging the customers from completing the order. The error is coming up to tell the customer that they cannot use USPS because they added something heavier than what USPS can ship. The customer interprets this as that there is something wrong with their order, and abandon the carts, even though UPS is available to ship their item.

1) Can the error be customized with different text/color/layout and better description to explain the issue? If so, how?
2) If not, can the error be removed from showing at all, like UPS?

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Postby Jim » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:21 pm

Most error message can be customized in the back office under Preferences > Store Text > Messages or on the Commerce Setup > Order System > XX screens. If the message is being returned directly from USPS then it probably will not be editable unless USPS has something on their side that allows you to customize them for your account. (I don't think the do though).

All messages are displayed by the template tag [-- shopsitemessages --] it is possible to remove that from the template but then the shopper would have no way to know when an error occurred since no messages would display.
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Postby bakerman » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:42 am

That is what I thought.

Anyone have any javascript suggestions?
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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:26 am

Have you tried unchecking the 'Display all error and warning messages' checkbox for the 'Shipping carrier warning and error messages' setting in the Commerce Setup -> Shipping menu?

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Postby bakerman » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:06 pm

We do want the customers to be notified when USPS is not an option for them anymore, and the reason why.
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