How do I display product's price

General ShopSite user discussion

How do I display product's price

Postby iTal » Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:21 pm


I have a site that uses shopsite as its shopping cart (it's not a template site). I would like to display the product's price on the product's page. How do I retrieve the price from the shopping cart?

Many thanks for your help
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Postby Jim » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:04 pm

If you are using the Order Anywhere feature to add the add to cart and View cart buttons to the pages that you make outside of ShopSite there is no way short of going to the ShopSite merchant interface (backoffice) and editing the product info to see what you set the price to. You might also have this in an upload file if you upload your products to ShopSite through the Database upload feature. (Note that the price is kept in a database not in the shopping cart.)

The advantage of using ShopSite to create your pages is that then all information about the product is available and you don't have to manually change your pages when you change a price.
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Postby iTal » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:35 pm

Thanks Jim,

So, if the price is kept in a database and not in the shopping cart how can I retrieve it?

I would like to use ShopSite's advantage of creating my pages and retrieving all the information automatically, but I'm not sure how to do it with an existing site. In other words, how do I tweak my website in order to show the products information stored on the database.

Thanks again.
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:38 pm

So, if the price is kept in a database and not in the shopping cart how can I retrieve it?

You would log into your ShopSite backoffice, where you entered the product information and select the product you want the price for and then Edit Product Info and get the price from the "Price:" field. Then you would have to edit your html page and add that price to the product informaton.

I would like to use ShopSite's advantage of creating my pages and retrieving all the information automatically, but I'm not sure how to do it with an existing site. In other words, how do I tweak my website in order to show the products information stored on the database.

The only way would be to create custom templates for your Page and Product layout that match your current store's look.

Help on converting your current HTML pages (note if you have the same look on all your pages you would only need to create one Page template and one product template not one for each page) can be found at: ... lates.html There are text tutorials as well as some video tutorials.[/quote]
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