It is possible to view pending orders?

General ShopSite user discussion

It is possible to view pending orders?

Postby crabshell » Fri May 21, 2010 10:56 am

I had a creidt card transaction held by my merchant account's fraud detection filter because of an input error on the user's side. When I manually approved the transaction the order was not recorded by Shopsite so I have no way of knowing what this customer paid for. Is there any wy to determine this or does Shopsite lose the order info? How should I handle this situation in the future?
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Postby Jim » Fri May 21, 2010 1:02 pm

If the order was stopped by the payment gateway then it would not have been finalized in ShopSite so no actual order was created.

When using a payment gateway transactions are processed in real time and the response is sent back to the shopper's computer. Since some time had elapsed since the shopper attempted to place the order before you approved the transaction the connection of the shopper to the gateway would have been broken and there would be no way for your approval to get back to the shoppers cart and have the order finalized.

You should probably refund the transaction and if you have contact info for the shopper ask them to try placing the order again.
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