help on items sold by the square foot

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help on items sold by the square foot

Postby tonycam » Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:09 am

I sell tile and stone. Tile is usually priced by the square foot. many items are larger than 1 square foot. My business software written for the tile industry can calculate the difference and round up the quantity requested appropriately, but is not web capable. ie: one - 18"x18" tile = 2.25 sq ft @ $4.99 per sq ft or $11.23 per piece. how can I achieve this same result in Shopsite?
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Postby Jim » Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:45 pm

I'm not sure if this will do what you are wanting but you might try this

Set the product price to 4.99
Create an order option like this

18" x 18" @4.99 /sq ft; *2.25

That will multiple the number of tiles that they enter in the quantity box by 2.25 to get the correct price per tile. The shopper will have to compute the number of tiles they need by themselves and then enter the number of tiles and not the square feet as the quantity.

If you want them to enter the number of square feet you could set the per tile price for the product cost and then the order option as
So product price = 11.23
order option
18 x 18 @4.99 /sq ft ; /.2.25

Note that this won't do any rounding so if they need 9 feet it won't come out right but you could have text to specify that they need to round their quantity to an even tile number of square feet.

You can see the other price modifiers available on ... tions.html
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Postby BFChris » Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:59 am

I helped someone else to set up something similar for fabric yardage using the Shopsite Variable price feature and some Javascript for the calculations.

It proved to be a bit awkward, but it did function for the described purpose.
Of course, it only worked with Javascript enabled AND you could not let people adjust the amount in the cart (because the price would not recalculate properly).
~~Barefoot Chris
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