Remember users

General ShopSite user discussion

Remember users

Postby AromaSensations » Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:26 am

We have customers who frequently purchase items via our on-line store. Is it possible for shop site to "remember" each of these customers so they don't have to re-enter all of their shipping and/or billing information?

If it makes a difference, we are using ShopSite Pro 10 r7

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Location: California

Postby robm » Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:18 pm

Sure, you could enable customer registration so your customers can register and then it will save their information and previous orders:

Commerce Setup -> Customer Registration

Also, ShopSite sets a cookie on the customer's computer that will remember their address information the next time they come back. Assuming you have not disabled this feature (Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Thank You -> "Remove Shopper Cookie"), all shoppers will have their address information remembered regardless if they are registered/logged in or not.

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