Backoffice login problems on Firefox

General ShopSite user discussion

Postby jsherk » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:24 pm

Ok, here is an additional update...

I disabled JavaScript on Firefox, and then went to /store/ss/start.cgi

I then went View Source, and I copied and pasted the entire source into a new file called start.html

I then re-enabled JavaScript and go to the new start.html file instead of start.cgi file to login, and I have NO problems at all (and it even loads noticeably faster), so it must not be JavaScript related as I previously mentioned.

The only thing I can think of, is that it might have something to do with how our webhosts server is handling .cgi files? But I don't know how to trouble shoot that yet... will keep you updated!
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found part of the problem I think

Postby MgmtSpec » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:35 pm

I have my server set to parse all html for SSI. Should not cause a problem with ifame but apparently it does in FF.
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Postby jsherk » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:40 pm

Can you please explain your last post in a little more laymen's terms... sorry, but server terminology is over my head!

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Lingo explained

Postby MgmtSpec » Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:10 am

Sure. SSI stands for "server side includes". This often is a text file (that can contain HTML) that gets inserted into an HTML file with a simple line of code that calls the file. Great for say copyright notice - update the one file, it updates on all the pages were it occurs. Handy for navigation, headers, etc. You could build these items into templates also, the conventient thing with SSI is you change the file it updates - no need to publish for the change to show.

Most often on a UNIX flavor server an html file needs to be name .shtml to
parse the SSI file. Within my htaccess file I set a directive for my server to parse any html file as an shtml file.

For some reason this appears to cause a prolem when using the builtin editor in SS and Firefox as a browser.

Now, the down side it does take more server resources to parse all files.
However, with my host this has not been an issue.
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Postby jsherk » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:44 am

Ok thanks for that explanation... I don't think that is the issue though, because the ShopSite backoffice is a start.cgi file (which is the one I have the problem with), and when I copy and paste the source code that is generated by the start.cgi file, and place it in a new start.html file, then the problem goes away, so the issue is not with .html or .shtml, but something to do with .cgi files.

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Postby Jim » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:15 am

This has to be a setting on your computer or in your browser itself or the way your server is configured.

Do you have the same problem if you try to go to a different cgi when you login? Try going to pages.cgi instead of start.cgi. Does that make a difference? There is a test program called diagnose.cgi if you go to that cgi does it report errors?

Almost ALL of the developers at ShopSite use Firefox for their main browser and we don't have any problems logging into any store that we work with.

Have you tried logging in from a different computer? Have you tried turning off any firewall or antivirus software on you computer and then tried logging in? Some firewall settings will cause odd problems.
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settings most likely

Postby MgmtSpec » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:05 am

Jim is probably right. If you can login and the OTHER pages (cgi links) work in the back office, its more likely a setting on your computer. If the other back office links do work - just make a HTML login page - all the start.cgi does is invoke the credentials to enter the PW protected area and load the default page. Make start.cgi the default page and then any access to the DIR should cause a login prompt. Its just a work around but should work.
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Postby jsherk » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:04 am

I have tried with no antivirus and with no firewall and the problem still exists. I even tried uninstalling all plugins and extensions for Firefox as well and the problem still occurs.

The problem also occurs with the products.cgi page, but does NOT occur on the pages.cgi, and the diagnose.cgi page does not show any problems.

A server setup issue would be my next guess, except when I try access from another computer the problem does NOT occur, so I guess that pretty much makes the problem MY computer!!!

But regardless, the start.html file I made works fine, so I guess we will have to leave it at that!

Thanks for your help.
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Postby Jim » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:51 pm

Note that the start.html file you are going to is on your local pc while the start.cgi file is on the server. This is another indication that your PC has something on it that is preventing it from accessing the file properly on the server.
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Postby jsherk » Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:06 pm

No, I uploaded the start.html file to the store/ss directory on the server.
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