New York State Tobacco Tax for Products

General ShopSite user discussion

New York State Tobacco Tax for Products

Postby natez311 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:25 pm


First off, thanks for all the help you guys have provided in the past. It's helped me with a lot of issues!

The Situation:

For tobacco products, New York State taxes an additional 46% (besides the normal 7% state tax on all products in our store), which makes taxing with shopsite a bit tricky.

The site I am working on currently sells Accessories and Tobacco products. The Accessories only have a normal rate of 7% when purchased (so accessory product = cost + 7%), but Tobacco products have to add on an additional 46% if a user living in NY state purchases them (so tobacco product = cost + 7% + 46%).

My Question:

You can set the tax amount for all products purchased for a specific state, but is there a way to add an additional tax on specific products? If not, has anyone out there experienced this or found a solution? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:52 am
Location: New York

Postby Jim » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:24 pm

What version of ShopSite do you have?

In ShopSite 10sp1 integration with Ava Tax was added. They may be able to handle this situation.

If you have a pro level store you could probably write a routine to be used with the tax api that would add the 7% and then based on one of the special product fields that you use to indicate that it is a tobacco product add the additional tax.
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