by Jim » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:08 pm
LIst all products under Products and select all of them. Click the Power Edit button, and select the Google Base field in the left select box. Check the Global radio button below the select boxes. Click Proceed. Uncheck the Include in data feed checkbox. and save changes
Next select a quantity, say 1/3 of the products like those starting with A to H. Click the Power edit again and choose the Google Base field and check the Global radio button option. Click Proceed and this time check the Include in data feed check box and save changes.
Now go to Merchandising > Google > Product Search > Configure > Setup a bogus user name so the feed will definitely fail. You need to do this so a partial feed doesn't actually get sent to google or it will be replaced by the next partial feed.
Send feed. The feed will generate a file which you can copy by clicking the Cancel button and then clicking the Product Search button again and then clicking the date link after the Last Feed Submitted label. On the next screen click the top link "Click here to view the original datafeed". The xml for the feed will be displayed to the screen.
Save that first screen to a file.
Now go back to the products screen and repeat the first 2 steps above of selecting the products and unchecking the ones that have the Google Base option selected and then select the next group of products (I to P or what ever you need) and check the Google feed for those products and repeat the steps to submit the feed. This time when you display the xml feed you will need to select the product portion of the feed and insert it at the end of the products in the file that you saved. Note that each product in the feed begins with an <entry> tag and ends with a </entry> tag. The last tag in the file must be the </feed> so make sure you insert before that tag.
Now repeat the above for the rest of the products until you have them all in the one file. Rename the file you have been adding to to froogle-bulk.xml and ftp the file manually to Google.
This will take a little work to do but it should get you past the server timeout for generating the feeds since fewer products would be in each generation.