Changing Product Images with Dropdowns

General ShopSite user discussion

Changing Product Images with Dropdowns

Postby MAshin » Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:16 pm

I'm using v10 (not sp1 because my host hasn't upgraded) and I was wondering how I can use dropdowns to change the product image. I have an item that can be customized 50 different ways, and instead of showing 50 different items, I would like to show 1 item and a dropdown with the other 49 options. Using the dropdown, the customer would then select the product and it would change the image being shown.

Anyone have a way of doing this?

Also, I know sp1 has the multi-image capabilities, do you know how to implement it in shopsite v10?

thanks for all the help!
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Postby Eamon » Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:33 am

The only way that I can think of this working would be to build a custom CALL script.

In the backoffice, you'd setup all 50 products, and assign images to each of the 50 products.

You'd then setup a Main Product that will be used to present all 50 options but can never be ordered. You'd assign all 50 products to this Main Product as sub-products.

You'd then assign your main product to the Page you want that product to appear on.

In your Product template, in the More Info part of it, you'd include your Custom CALL script. The Custom CALL script would be responsible for the following:

- Creating the Drop-Down menu displaying the 50 sub-products
- Generating the Javascript code that updates the Product Image on page, to the product image of the selected sub-product
- The Add to Cart code that adds the selected product in the drop-down to the shopping cart.

We use PHP to create these CALL scripts, but I think you could use any scripting language you could use PERL also.

I don't think there is any simple solution to this, you'll need to have programming skills or work with a company who can do it for you.
Eamon Rodeck
Merchant Corner
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