by csm71 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:44 pm
Thanks for your reply. I came across Shopsite Built-in Templates explained section which gives instructions on how to add links into the navigation bar. I am using the Modern template.
I followed the instructions and was able to get the links onto the navigation bar for most of my templates, but I am having a problem with the Modern.sst template.
For all of the templates the instructions say to find the code:
<div id="headlinks">
<ul class="right">
<li class="navlinks"><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Home --]</a></li>
[-- IF GiftCert --]
<li class="navlinks">[-- GiftCertlink --]</li>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF SC_Registration --]
[-- INCLUDE Modern-crLinks.sst PROCESS --]
[-- END_IF --]
Once that is found this line is to be inserted once for every link you need:
<li class="navlinks"><a href="">Page Name</a></li>
I changed "" to match the page the link refers to and I changed "Page Name" to the name I would like to have on the navigation bar. It works with every template except Modern.sst.
Did I miss something?
On a related note, once the new links were placed on the navigation bar they went from black to green. I can live with this, but how did that happen?