Two last questions:

General ShopSite user discussion

Two last questions:

Postby Bashton » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:41 pm

I got the store up and running and will begin promoting it tomorrow.

There are only two things left that bug me:

1 - My security is still rated at medium even though I have the RSA-Cerificate plugged in. How can I get it changed to high security?

I'm getting a medium level for "Credit card information stored for later viewing or downloading: Using default (symmetric) encryption" How can I change this?

2 - I'm using Clean-cart.sst for my layout. I chose this because it's one of the few templates that work with my colors that also shows a "Total" amount.

The cart information is centered on the page at the view cart level, but as checkout begins the information spreads across the entire page and is appears disorganized.

Is this something that can be changed?
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:52 am
Location: United States

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:08 pm

If you are using a real-time payment gateway, then you probably don't need to store credit card information in ShopSite at all, it is only passed (securely) to the payment gateway where they process the info. You can turn off credit card storage in the ShopSite orders by selecting the 'Do not store Credit Cards' option found under Orders -> Security -> Credit Card Storage.

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