Coupon function questions

General ShopSite user discussion

Coupon function questions

Postby parmaker » Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:03 am

scenario ... I offer a $50 coupon to various customers that an external system creates the actual coupon number.

1. can I upload a file of customers and coupon numbers that I have created?

2. When a customer hits apply coupon but before paying cancels the order ... will the coupon still be available if its set to one time use?

3. If a customer only uses $30 dollars of the $50 does shopsite recalculate the remaining $20 for future use against the same coupon?

4. Should I use gift certificate instead and if so can I upload a file of customers and coupon numbers that I have created?

5. Will Gift certificates recalulate the remaining money for future use?
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Location: US

Postby BFChris » Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:19 am

To keep track of a remaining balance, you would need to use a Gift Certificate, not a coupon.

I am not aware of a way in Shopsite to upload this information.
~~Barefoot Chris
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