by takumaspin » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:21 am
Thanks Jim.
I created a custom product template and it is working in the product list but I am confused about the 'more info' templates.
1. I add a new item.
2. Check the More Info box.
3. Add it to the proper page.
4. Publish.
The product is added using the default template and when I click on the link to the more info page for the product, it is also using the default template.
1. I edit Product Layout for the new item so I get my customized view.
2. Publish.
The product is now using my customized view in the product list. When I click on the more info page, it is still using the default template. From what I read, the more info page is also using the same product template but where do I set this? I can only find one place to set the product template and that is on the Edit Product Layout page.
With some messing around with changing templates a few times, I can somehow get it to use two different templates. One for the product list and one for the more info page but that really isn't a solution.
I guess what I want to say is I need a template for how the product is shown in the list or main product page and also a template for the 'more info' page where the item is shown by itself.
Can you help me?