Hi, i am using Shopsite version 10 r7 and i'm having a problem with the way sales taxes are applied after a coupon rebate has been used.
The sales taxes are always applied to the cart value "before" the coupon rebate. It does'nt matter if i refresh the cart or not.
For example, if i'm applying a 49.94$ rebate coupon to a 49.95$ order, taxes are calculated on the full value and not on 0.01$ as it should.
How can i fix that ?
According to the following Shopsite help, it should be doing what i want but doesnt:
Is tax calculated on the purchase amount before or after coupons are applied?
Tax is calculated on the purchase amount after the discount is taken.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I already contacted my hosting company and waiting on an answer on their side.