PayPal Express/Setup Question/Checkout Error Message

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PayPal Express/Setup Question/Checkout Error Message

Postby rbeltran » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:45 pm

I'm a brand new member in the early learning stages & just starting to setup my store. Thus far this forum has been a great source of guidance. I am however, stuck on setting up payment options.
I use Shopsite V.10
For now would like to accept payment through Google Checkout (which I was able to setup with no issues) & PayPal Website Payments Pro (Express Checkout).

Topic #1:
Background Info:

I assumed you can offer BOTH methods of payment, however, when you get to my checkout page I see either one or the other but NOT both at the same time. My settings are currently as Google Checkout at left of Checkout button & PayPal Express button at right of Checkout button.
    Is there a need to keep the Checkout Button?
n I feature Google Checkout & PayPal Express side by side?

Background Info:

I upgraded to a Business Account, applied & downloaded Certificate.
I keep getting the following ERROR message:

Message: Authentication/Authorization Failed (10002)
Detailed Message: Username/Password is incorrect

Have not been able to figure out what it means, any thoughts, suggestions?

Thank you folks.
As you can tell I am a beginner (this might be an understatement) & have much to learn. I appreciate your help.

R. Beltran
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:51 pm
Location: Dallas

Postby psldesigns » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:53 am

Google Checkout uses a "pre-checkout" screen. Not all shopsite features are usable with google checkout (one time coupons, free shipping coupons, Gift Certificates, Rewards over time, Customer Registration, and Surcharges are not) so it takes customers out of the ShopSite store sooner. On this "pre-checkout" page, the checkout button takes you to the actual shopping cart page -- which in your case will be for payment with paypal. If you go to Commerce>order system>shopping cart and scroll to the bottom you will see the text boxes to use on your "google pre-checkout" page. If you do not use google checkout, you will not see any "pre-checkout" screen.

For the certificate error . . . when are you getting the error? Verify your API username, password, and be sure the certificate in shopsite keeps the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- text and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----
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Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:06 pm
Location: Michigan

Postby rbeltran » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:32 pm

Thank you very much for your reply, I have been traveling & not able to get back to working on the site. I will check your suggestions & see if that solves the issue.
I appreciate you getting back to me.
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:51 pm
Location: Dallas

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