by 88man1 » Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:34 pm
I don't know of any module for this. I would think this is becoming a bigger issue for online retailers. It would be great if we could enter the "ship from" zip code in shopsite backend for each product and then have the UPS rates calculated based off that.
I have products dropshipped to my customers from suppliers in 7 different states. Currently, I'm limited to entering one ship from zip code. So, I have to add handling charges to try and get the shipping charges "close". It works most of the time, but it could be better.
The worst scenario is when a customer from a neighboring state of mine orders something from me. Shopsite / UPS think it's shipping from me to the customer just one state over. Actually, the item is dropshipping from all the way across the country and the freight can be quite a bit off.
With dropshipping becoming more popular, this would be a great addition to shopsite and would make my shipping calculations much easier and more accurate for me and my customers.