by loren_d_c » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:05 pm
So the shopper entered their Visa number on your site, and it was then processed through PayPal?
If so, that would be the PayPal Website Payments Pro direct access API method (not Express Checkout, although if you have the WPP direct access API method enabled you are forced to also have Express Checkout enabled).
This separate PayPal Website Payments Pro method works more like a regular payment gateway (where payment info is entered on your site and sent under the surface to PayPal to process it and then PayPal sends back the acceptance or rejection codes to the shopping cart). It is enabled with the other regular payment gateways down in the Payment Processor settings in the Commerce Setup -> Payment menu. If you have this payment gateway enabled, what version of ShopSite do you have? If older than v9.0.3, then I would suggest upgrading to v9.0.3 or newer.