Question 20090402_0026:
Question - How to format <OptionMenus> and <MenuItem> for XML upload?
We are generating Products XML successully and have now tried to add <OptionMenus> and <MenuItem> tags.
Used the backoffice GUI to set up one example of OptionMenus which tested out OK in the store product page and in the cart. Then downloaded the XML from ShopSite and got the following (snippet) to use as a sample to mimic.
<ProductDescription>thisandthat $SAVE$</ProductDescription>
<MenuItem>Standard Pricing</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>SAVE $65.00 when you purchase this item on Wednesday; -65.00</MenuItem>
Used our internal routine to then build Products XML at our end and uploaded the following (snippet):
<ProductDescription>thisandthat $SAVE$</ProductDescription>
<MenuItem>Standard Pricing</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>SAVE $65.00 when you purchase this item on Wednesday; -65.00</MenuItem>
Looks the same as the download from ShopSite but does not work. The tags seem OK but they overwrite the example with blank contents for <OptionText> <OptionMenus> and both <MenuItem> hence suspect that the tags are OK but the content of the tags is causing trouble during the dbupload.cgi or generate.cgi process.
Workarounds attempted:
Not successful: Shortening the text.
Not successful: Adding ; 0.00 after Standard Pricing
Not successful: Changing the spacing between ; and -65.00
Not successful: Using the GUI Utilities to upload the XML and then Publish the store.
Further information:
ShopSite® Pro 10 r6.1