Coupon/Price Break Feature

General ShopSite user discussion

Coupon/Price Break Feature

Postby dZi » Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:33 am

I 'm wondering if it possible to translate one of our Specials in our Catalog onto our Website. Our Special is as follows:

"Buy 2 of X and Get a Free Y!"

We have a coupon code for it listed in our Catalog that we could bring over to Shopsite but it doesn't seem like the coupon feature will do the trick.

We could give them the value of the item back, but that doesn't really serve us to promote the item we are giving away....
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Postby Jim » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:56 pm

The "Rewards" feature would be used for this type of offer. You set up a category of items that need to be purchased and a second category for the free reward. When the shopper adds the required items to the cart they are notified that they qualify for a free reward and can then add that item to the cart and it won't be charged for. The feature is found under Merchandising > Reward Program. This is a Pro store feature so if you have a Manager or Starter version of ShopSite you would need to upgrade.
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