I'm builing a custom template and I'm having some problems with these three tags:
[-- BUTTON ReturnToCart --] [-- BUTTON SubmitOrder --] on the shipping page, and
[-- SC_PaymentSelection --] on the shopping cart page.
The buttons appear, but don't do anything when clicked.
The payment selection does not offer a drop down menu, it just doesn't appear. The source for the code if you view the page is below:
The buttons:
<input src="IMAGE HERE" class="button68" name="Return to Cart" alt="Return to Cart" tabindex="1" onclick="return(CheckIt(68,0));" type="image" align="bottom" border="0">
<input src="IMAGE HERE" class="button67" name="Submit this Order" alt="Submit this Order" tabindex="2" onclick="return(CheckIt(67,0));" type="image" align="bottom" border="0">
The Payment selection:
<td style="text-align: center; padding-top: 1em;" align="center">Select Payment: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function re_check_none(){;}
// -->
<input name="paytype" value="0" type="hidden">
NOTE: I'm pretty sure the value 0 and the type hidden need to be changed, but I don't see where or how to change them.
On the Payment screen (commerce setup -> payment) it has credit cards checked, paypal checked, and offline as the processor.