Quantity Discount Offering Free Product or Percentage Off

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Quantity Discount Offering Free Product or Percentage Off

Postby Swine » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:09 am

I've got a group of differently priced books. I'd like to offer a quantity discount. If a buyer purchases 6 books I'd like the least expensive book to be free.

If that isn't possible, can I make it so when a buyer purchases 6 books, they get a percentage off the entire group of six books?
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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:22 am

ShopSite Pro version 9 added a feature which allows the quantity pricing to be available across a range of items. You create groups and assign the products to those groups. Then you enable quantity pricing for each product and set what the price will be when a specific quantity is ordered. So for example you see a group "books" then for all of the books you set the quantity pricing for book A to
1 for 10.99
6 for 8.99

and another for book B could be
1 for 8.99
6 for 7.99

etc for books C...Z
Then when when the shopper adds 1 book A and 1 book B 1 book C ...etc until the get 6 books total then they get the price of 8.99 for A and 7.99 for the B book ... etc.
You could set one book to have a 0.00 price when 6 other books are ordered but if the shopper ordered 6 of that book they would all be 0.00 so you may not want to do that for giving a free book.
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Postby Swine » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:28 am

I see... I can set a different discount price for each book, but the threshold for getting the discount would be 6 total books. I think that can work. THANKS!
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Can I Hide Discount Pricing

Postby Swine » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:38 pm

So, I've begun to input this quantity discounting on my books. But it's showing the discount pricing beneath the regular price. It's also putting that discount pricing in a white box.

I need to either be able to NOT show those discount prices, or change the background to white. Any help?

Posts: 143
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:36 am

Postby Swine » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:45 pm

Just answered my own question. Apparently I need to specify background color for each product.
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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:57 pm

Looks nice.

If you don't want to display the quantity table you can go to Products > Edit Product Layout and uncheck the box "Display Quantity Pricing?" Having the table there, however, may make it so people will want to order more to get the discount.

Also you might want to add something in the "Comment" section of the Quantity Pricing for each product to say that "Items may be combined for quantity discount" so people don't think they need to order all 6 of the same book.
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Postby Swine » Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:07 pm

That's a great suggestion, Jim! Thanks so much. I'll add that text to the comments field.
Posts: 143
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:36 am

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