by robm » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:35 pm
This would require ShopSite Pro and the use of a custom product template to use one of two ShopSite template tags:
[-- ProductInventoryPopUp {link text} --]
Create a link which will make a pop-up window (200px x 100px) displaying the Quantity On Hand. If you do not specify text to use for the link, the default text is Inventory.
[-- ProductInventoryActual path_to_shopping_cart_cgi {description text} --]
Display current Quantity On Hand on the page using Server Side Includes (SSI). This tag creates an SSI #include tag, so your Web server must be configured to allow SSI (contact your Hosting Provider for help on doing this). The optional description text appears before the actual quantity. If you do not specify text to use, the default text is Inventory.