Shopsite Gliche?

General ShopSite user discussion

Shopsite Gliche?

Postby Higsi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:13 am


Recently I noticed a section of our website had every single product (30+) set to an out of stock template that we use, however no one applied this change. This has happened twice so far within one year and only myself and one other person manage our website. We have only applied changes to other parts of the store and are baffled by the cause of this problem aside from thinking it may be a gliche of some sort?

I was wondering if anyone else has also experienced a similar problem? Currently we are using version 8.3.

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Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:26 am

Postby Jim » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:03 pm

This issue has not been reported to ShopSite as a problem. Since there are thousands of ShopSite stores I would think if it had occurred before it would have been reported.

Do you use the global poweredit feature? That would be a way this could happen to all pages at once if you weren't careful with what fields you were modifying. Another possibility would be if the data were restored from a backup that had been saved when the pages were all using that template.
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