Image resizing

General ShopSite user discussion

Image resizing

Postby utz119 » Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:42 am

I'm having a difficult time understanding how the image resize works.

I use the custom templates to scale down the largest image (500px x 600px) to 10%, 30% and 60% at the various locations on the templates.

However the images look awful on the Internet Explorer on Windows.

So I like to use the automatic image resize to create the different size and specify the location of the images on the custom templates.

But even after the sub folder's permissions were changes by the server,

(1) I still don't see the resized images on the FTP, and

(2)I'm not sure how I can specify the resized image locations.

Current code:

I appreciate any help!

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Postby Jim » Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:12 am

The resized images are kept in subdirectories of where the main image is located. The directories are named ss_size1, ss_size2, ss_size3 so you probably need to have your code say

Note that if you have images that are in subdirectories of media the resized images will be in subdirectores of that directory with the same names.
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